1930 US Federal Census, North Carolina, Henderson County, Blue Ridge Township, Sheet 12B, Family No. 246, Line No. 56; Name, Floyd W Jamison; Son in law; Male; White; Age, 28; Married; Age at first marriage, 23; Attended school, no; Able to read and write, yes; Birthplace, North Carolina; Father's birthplace, North Carolina; Mother's birthplace, North Carolina; Able to speak English, yes; Occupation, Sheet mettle worker; Industry, Tin Shop; Wage; Employment, no; Unemployment schedule, 22; Veteran, no.
1940 US Federal Census, North Carolina, Henderson County, East Flat Rock, Sheet 2A, Household 24, Line No. 22; Name, Floyd W. Jamerson; Head; Male; White; Age, 38; Married; Attended school, no; Highest grade completed, 8th; Birthplace, North Carolina; Residence in 1935, Same Place; Resident on farm in 1935, No; Employeed for pay, yes; Hours worked week prior to census, 40; Occupation, sheet metal worker; Industry, building; Class of worker, wage; Weeks worked in 1939, 51; Income, $1683; Income from other sources, no.
"Jamerson Floyd M (Ella M) sht mtl wkr Am Enka Corp h4 Haywood ter" (sheet metal worker, American Enka Company, Street address: 4 Haywood terrace)
— p. 259, 1940 Asheville, North Carolina city directory.
1950 US Federal Census, North Carolina, Henderson County, Hendersonville, Sheet 18, Side road to [right] off Old Spartanburg Rd., 2nd on right, House 159, Line No. 13; farm, no; three or more acres, no; Name, Floyd Jamerson; Head; White; Male; Age, 45; Married; Birthplace, North Carolina; Working; 48 hours last week; Occupation, sheet metal worker; Industry, sheet metal Co.; Class of worker, private.