Home > Family History > James Stepp, Jr.
"Friday, [September] 29th [1780]. We then, at that early hour, moved on three miles to one James Step's plantation, and halted. This man has been very unfortunate in his family; his wife, who is a very decent woman, was caught by the Indians about a twelvemonth past. They scalped and tomahawked her several times in the head, treated the infant she had in her arms in a most inhuman and savage manner. They mashed its head in such a manner that its recovery is truly astonishing; but what this poor, unhappy woman seems most to regret is the loss of her oldest son, whom the savages took, and she now remains in a state of uncertainty, not having heard fgrom him since.
Saturday, 30th. Lay at James Step's with an expectation of intercepting Col. Clarke on his return to the mountains; but he was prudent enough to take another route."
— p. 509 "Appendix: Diary of Lieut. Anthony Allaire, of Ferguson's Corps., Memorandum of ocurrences during the campaign of 1780" in "King's Mountain and its heroes: history of the Battle of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780, and the events which led to it" by Lyman Copeland Draper, P.G. Thomson, 1881. https://archive.org/details/DiaryOfLieut.AnthonyAllaireOfFergusonsCorps.MemorandumOfOccurrences/page/n25/mode/2upFloyd A. Reed, October 31, 2020 – January 24, 2023